The Voice of Cyber®

Security Awareness

Security Awareness involves educating individuals within an organisation about potential cyber threats, safe online practices, and the importance of maintaining a security-conscious mindset. Security Awareness programs aim to empower employees to recognise and mitigate cybersecurity risks, reducing the likelihood of falling victim to social engineering attacks such as phishing or malware. Effective security awareness efforts encompass regular training sessions, simulated phishing exercises, and the dissemination of relevant information to foster a culture of cybersecurity vigilance.

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Eliminating Enterprise Risk: One Phishing-resistant User At a Time

Eliminating Enterprise Risk: One Phishing-resistant User At a Time

Phishing is a major cybersecurity threat for enterprises. Organisations must go beyond just implementing phishing-resistant MFA; they need to develop phishing-resistant users. This involves securing every stage of the user lifecycle, from registration to account recovery, ensuring that all authentication methods are resistant to phishing. As users move across various platforms and devices, consistent and strong authentication is necessary. Traditional security measures and user education are insufficient against advanced phishing tactics. Enterprises must adopt a comprehensive strategy that minimises the risk of phishing and enhances overall cybersecurity resilience by creating a culture of ...

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