A Cybersecurity Context

Exposure Management

Exposure Management in the realm of cybersecurity refers to the proactive identification, assessment, and mitigation of potential security risks & vulnerabilities within an organisation’s digital infrastructure. It is a comprehensive approach that aims to minimise the attack surface and enhance overall security posture.

The Exposure Management Company

Today, approximately 44,000 organisations around the globe rely on Tenable to understand and reduce cyber risk — in the cloud or on-premises, from IT to OT and beyond. Tenable helps organisations to effectively analyse all the data generated from a mixed bag of technologies to make informed decisions on which exposures represent the greatest cyber risk to the organisation.

How Australian Manufacturers Are Adapting To New Cyber Insurance Realities

Introduction Australian manufacturers are standing at a critical crossroads as the landscape of both manufacturing and cyber insurance undergo significant shifts. Insurance, while often viewed as a safety net, provides extremely limited coverage when it comes to digital threats. Securing a policy requires significant effort, including detailed assessments, strict underwriting processes and meeting specific criteria. Even then, it only addresses certain financial risks like reimbursements for some direct costs. Crucially it does not cover major impacts like reputation, prolonged outages, or the loss of customers. These ‘big ticket’ items remain the responsibility of the company, underscoring the need for...

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