The Voice of Cyber®


The primary objective of Cyber Asset Attack Surface Management (CAASM) is to empower IT and security teams in addressing challenges related to asset visibility and exposure. CAASM facilitates comprehensive visibility into all organisational assets, including both internal and external components. This is achieved primarily through seamless API integrations with existing tools, allowing for the querying of consolidated data. This approach enhances the organisation’s ability to effectively manage its attack surface, providing a more holistic understanding of potential vulnerabilities and thereby strengthening overall cybersecurity measures.

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Critical Infrastructure and IoT

Critical Infrastructure and IoT

The term ‘critical infrastructure’ was first used to refer to public works such as transportation infrastructure and public utilities. The term includes sectors such as health care, energy & utilities, telecommunications, and most recently, an argument for various manufacturers – particularly germane is the example of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 Pandemic, as too have logistics firms made their role essential. With our growing reliance on technology, the term has continued to expand to encompass technology, particularly since the 1990s, as these essential functions form the foundations of our modern existence. Critical infrastructure protection has therefore become a ...

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