The Voice of Cyber®


Personal Security involves adopting practices and measures to protect personal information, online accounts, and digital devices from potential cyber threats. This includes employing strong, unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, staying vigilant against phishing attempts, and keeping software and security applications up-to-date. By fostering a heightened awareness of potential risks and adopting proactive security habits, individuals can significantly reduce the likelihood of falling victim to cybercrimes such as identity theft or unauthorised access to their personal, and likely by extension, their organisations assets.

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Overcoming Australia’s faceless threat: Identity crime

Overcoming Australia’s faceless threat: Identity crime

While identity theft is often considered a consumer issue, its impact is being felt more and more by businesses, especially in the wake of major data breaches. In response, businesses have increasingly adopted strict security strategies, and more recently, the government has introduced the Digital ID Bill to the Senate. But what does this mean for businesses, how will the legislation impact them, and how is it expected to change the way identity data is verified and stored.

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