The Voice of Cyber®

Identity & Access Management

Identity and Access Management (IAM) involves the management of digital identities, ensuring that only authorised individuals have access to specific resources or systems. This is crucial for safeguarding sensitive information and preventing unauthorised access, which is particularly relevant in the context of cybersecurity marketing where confidentiality is paramount. Robust IAM frameworks contribute to a layered defence strategy, mitigating the risk of unauthorised access and potential data breaches.

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Episode 267 Deep Dive: Alex Tilley | Digital Estate Planning

Episode 267 Deep Dive: Alex Tilley | Digital Estate Planning

With over 20 years of experience in computer security and cybercrime, Alex Tilley is a highly awarded cybercrime researcher. Beginning his career in the online casino industry on Australia’s Gold Coast, Alex went on to implement and administer many varieties of network security technologies within Australia’s banking industry. Alex was on the forefront of research and countermeasures when phishing and malware first began to attack banking platforms and customers. When he later became the Australian Federal Police’s senior cybercrime technical analyst, he combined his technical background with an analytical approach to discover “who” the cybercriminals were, why they were attacking specific targets, and ...

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