The Voice of Cyber®

Security Awareness

Security Awareness involves educating individuals within an organisation about potential cyber threats, safe online practices, and the importance of maintaining a security-conscious mindset. Security Awareness programs aim to empower employees to recognise and mitigate cybersecurity risks, reducing the likelihood of falling victim to social engineering attacks such as phishing or malware. Effective security awareness efforts encompass regular training sessions, simulated phishing exercises, and the dissemination of relevant information to foster a culture of cybersecurity vigilance.

Newest Release

Layers of Defence Needed to Combat AI-powered Phishing Surge

Layers of Defence Needed to Combat AI-powered Phishing Surge

AI-driven phishing attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated, posing significant risks to industries handling sensitive data, such as financial services, healthcare, and legal sectors. To combat this, organisations must implement layered cybersecurity defences, from robust email filtering to comprehensive user training and rapid incident response, transforming employees into an essential line of defence against these evolving threats.

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