As cyber threat actors continue to leverage more and more sophistication in phishing attacks and other cases of fraud targeting customers and consumers, organisations need to take proactive steps to stay ahead and be ready to respond when those threats are identified.
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Social Engineering
Social Engineering is a prevalent and insidious threat that involves manipulative techniques aimed at exploiting human psychology to deceive individuals into divulging confidential information, accessing restricted systems, or performing actions that may compromise security. As social engineering often targets human vulnerabilities rather than technical weaknesses, it poses a significant challenge to cybersecurity defences, and mitigating this threat requires a multi-faceted approach, including regular employee training to enhance awareness, implementing robust email filtering systems, and fostering a culture of scepticism regarding unsolicited communications.
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Deep Dive Articles
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With artificial intelligence playing a growing role in identity fraud and leading to mounting losses, organisations are under pressure to confront the challenge and act on it.
Discover why hospitals and healthcare providers are prime targets for cyberattacks and how strategies like microsegmentation can ensure patient safety.
This Cybersecurity Awareness Month, understand why it's unfair to blame humans for every breach. Learn how technology can better support users.
Malicious traffic distribution systems (TDSs) have flown under the radar of most cybersecurity organisations for years: they have been largely ignored and thought of as ...
โI appreciate people want to sell themselves to prospective employers, and may need to mention they have a security clearance, but doing it on a professional networking site ...
โDigital companionshipโ has transcended science fiction. Itโs now in a fledgling state, driven by a flourishing, if somewhat opportunistic, zeitgeist of AI-driven ...
In The News
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New research highlights the connection between increased organisation-wide cyber awareness and decreased organisational riskย
Other key findings include surge of info-stealers and botnets, an increase in evasive malware and a rise in network attacks across the Asia Pacific
GBGโs Global Fraud Report surveyed over 520 businesses in APAC to reveal how they are fighting fraud: - 81% of APAC businesses believe cross-sector collaboration and ...
Sydney, Australia, July 18, 2024 - Infoblox Threat Intel released a threat landscape study of the use of registered domain generation algorithms (RDGAs) by malicious actors ...
The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris promise to be a thrilling spectacle. Athletes from around the globe will compete in a range of events that will bring together a massive ...
Australian organisations lag behind global counterparts in basic email protection, Proofpoint analysis reveals
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