The Voice of Cyber®

Physical Security

Physical security is a critical component of cyber security that protects the physical assets of an organisation, such as its infrastructure, facilities, hardware, networks, and data centers. Physical security measures are important because they help to prevent real-world risks that can threaten an organisation’s digital operations.

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Benjamin Lamont & Helen Schneider – Australian Federal Police

Benjamin Lamont & Helen Schneider – Australian Federal Police

Watch The Interview Biography Benjamin (Ben) Lamont is the Manager of Technology Strategy and Data for the Australian Federal Police. He is responsible for developing the AFP Technology Strategy and associated roadmaps to address capability gaps and opportunities. Ben also oversees the development and deployment of the AFP’s information management, data science, and analytics platforms. His role includes delivering and managing new and emerging technology across the AFP, including the responsible use of AI. Helen Schneider is the AFP Commander and leads the AFP Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE). Helen started her policing career with the Queensland Police Service 26 years ago. ...

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