The Voice of Cyberยฎ

Identity & Access Management

Identity and Access Management (IAM) involves the management of digital identities, ensuring that only authorised individuals have access to specific resources or systems. This is crucial for safeguarding sensitive information and preventing unauthorised access, which is particularly relevant in the context of cybersecurity marketing where confidentiality is paramount. Robust IAM frameworks contribute to a layered defence strategy, mitigating the risk of unauthorised access and potential data breaches.

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Identity Platforms are no Longer Just a Backend Issue

Identity Platforms are no Longer Just a Backend Issue

Businesses are perpetually cornered, navigating cybersecurity threats and trying to keep their head above water with their never ending laundry list of security to-doโ€™s. Simon Hodgkinson, an Advisor from Semperis and former Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at one of the world's largest oil companies, opened up about his experience towards identity - the game in which weโ€™re in today."Identity is the kingpin of every business technology ecosystem," reiterating that identity platforms are no longer just a backend issue; they are the main component of modern day business operations. The former CISO opens up about real life scenarios about the impact identity platforms can have on a ...

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