The Voice of Cyberยฎ

National Security

National security refers to the protection of a nation’s interests, sovereignty, and well-being from internal and external threats. While it traditionally encompasses military defense, it increasingly involves safeguarding critical infrastructure, economic stability, and the safety of citizens. In the context of cybersecurity, national security is concerned with defending against cyberattacks that could disrupt essential services, compromise sensitive information, or undermine public trust. As cyber threats evolve in sophistication, securing digital systems, networks, and data has become a fundamental aspect of a nation’s overall security strategy.

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The Invisible Battlefield: The “Grey Zone” Warfare Threatening Global Stability

The Invisible Battlefield: The “Grey Zone” Warfare Threatening Global Stability

Recently, KBI.Media was included in the AUKUS Advanced Technology Dialogue here in Australia across Sydney and Canberra. Some of the dialogue is not allowed to be publicised, but some which can be shared premiered on podcast, KBKast.Former Deputy Director for Mission Integration at ODNI, Beth Sanner, made clear on an alarming but largely unseen realm of modern conflict known as the "grey zone." A domain where traditional notions of peace and war blur into a nightmarish collage of cyber assaults, GPS spoofing, and sinister plots, this grey zone warfare is insidiously infiltrating everyday life and shaking the foundations of global stability.Redefining Warfare in the 21st CenturyThe grey zone is ...

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