Partner With KBI
Stay Top-of-Mind
With one of the most concentrated audiences of cybersecurity professionals on the planet, by partnering with KBI, you too have access to key decision-makers.
Tap into a ready-made global audience of tech executives and security professionals, with billions in spend under their collective budget.
Our Vision
We see a future where every cybersecurity practitioner and organisation has a platform they can use to amplify their voice. Everyone has the ability to publish content on KBI.Media and it will appear without favour, and based on the merit of the ideas within.
Comparing Your Options
There are tonnes of ways to promote your business online:
- Sponsored Content
- Running Ads; Google & Social Media
- Organic Video
- Influencers
- Events
- Cold Outreach
All of them are expensive and/or incredibly time-consuming.
- Sponsored content is often thousands of dollars for a single article, instead of publishing dozens for a fixed monthly fee
- Ads are a notorious way to dump money into creative assets and management fees, let alone advertising costs themselves!
- SEO is great! But it is incredibly labour-intensive and requires a specialist skill-set that still might fail if not water-tight.
- Organic videos on YouTube etc are incredibly powerful when they work. part science, part art, mostly luck.
- Influencers are over-priced and have little understanding of technical spaces. In a cynical industry it’s a bad idea.
- Events – both live events and online – can be a great way to generate leads. But they’re gone in a blink and cost a tonne.
- Cold outreach is hit & miss. Done well, it’s a great way to start conversations, but requires a lot of planning & effort
A Different Approach – Priority Partners
We don’t do sponsored content – we think it’s going to be a short-lived format. Many people are already adopting the default behaviour of skipping past anything that’s sponsored. And we don’t do paywalls for our readers. Denying people critical information is fundamentally wrong.
Instead, KBI.Media has designed a new way of commercialisation – by blending traditional sponsorship options with a unique publishing system to provide a more granular level of audience connection, and more formats to promote your organisation in an ethical way.
Some of The Organisations That Choose To Publish Through KBI
PR Publishing
Partner Publishing
KBI.FM Podcasts
Contributors & Guest Posting
Threat Alerts
Events Promo
Speaker Directory
Job Board
.Academy Course Suggestions/Registrations
Access and submission to
Post as Company (no individual attribution required)
Post Video Content Directly (link to downloadable content on Vimeo/YT) or raw video
What Being A Priority Partner Looks Like
General Access | Category Partners | |
Brand Visibility | ||
Logo at Top of Relevant Column on Home Page | X | ✅ |
Logo in Banner on the Category Page | X | ✅ |
Featured in our Newsletter Body | X | ✅ |
Brand Visibility
If you have a particular niche within security that you’re addressing, be it Network Security, IoT, DevSecOps, or myriad other, you can effectively choose a category and own that real estate.
You effectively chose a category page that will then feature your logo and company description at the top, including an active backlink directly to your site.
Your brand will be seen more often, and associated with your primary area of speciality within cybersecurity.
While content from organisations other than yours will feed through the same page, you will be the headline act! Moreover, your stream will contain any press releases, written articles, or even links to video or podcasts that you wish, and even ‘sticky’ posts that will stay at the top of the category page.
Secondly, as a Priority Partner, you also have a dedicated column on the main page of KBI.Media that links to your Category page. That way, even the most casual of our readers are routinely exposed to your logo in association with your domain of expertise.
We will work with you to ensure that you’re getting maximal value from your place on the site, and regular reporting & analytics on the performance of your assets.
Front Page Column Association

Column Insertion
On the main home page of KBI.Media and any category parent pages (likes Business News or Technology News) your logo appears right next to the category title. Our reader will come to associate your brand with that expertise.
Category Ownership

Category Ownership
Each of our Partners that take ownership of their own Category get their logo and a short pitch at the top of that page.
General Access | Category Partners | |
Posting | ||
Press/Media Release Posting | Lower Priority | ✅ |
Article Posting (Editorial/Bylines) | ✅ | ✅ |
Internal Linking (links across multiple articles) | X | ✅ |
Posting Under Company (easier for PR to manage) | Guests Only | ✅ |
Publishing for Media Releases (Turn-around time) | Lower Priority | ✅ |
Reporting on the trends of each Category (coming soon) | X | ✅ |
SEO Support for Article Production & Publishing | X | ✅ |
Text to Speech (TTS) via Audio Player | X | ✅ |
Direct Video Posting | X | ✅ |
Power Posting
As a Priority Partner, you’re gaining access to the priority queue. We receive dozens and dozens of articles and press releases every day. They all need to be QA’d and often re-formatted to fit within our Publishing Guidelines. Our Partners are always at the top of the priority list, being published faster and more widely, with additional steps taken to maximise impact.
As a Priority Partner, your organisation also gets it’s own author account to publish under, rather than having to submit a Guest Author account for attribution every time. This is great for publishing Reports & Predictions that are more company-wide than the work of a single person. Moreover, it’s especially handy when posting other formats than Articles, like Jobs or Events.
Given our expertise in writing technical content, once we have you onboard, we can augment your SEO efforts, and provide additional editing options that tie-in to your SEO strategies. And given our rising DA/DR, backlinks from us to some of your content crown jewels gives you an outsourced SEO partner. This is incredibly valuable for start-ups and for enterprise organisations alike, especially when chasing long-tail keywords as part of a larger SEO strategy.
Power Posting
Increase the flexibility and power of each of your posts with KBI.Media by adding additonal format types and enhanced features.
Publish Press Releases Faster

Media Release Publishing
Push out news from your company faster and to more channels. if you can cut & paste, you can publish through KBI.Media in seconds.
Text to Speech – Audio Insert

Text to Speech
For critical or outstanding articles, we'll nominate (and you can request) for an audio insert of text-to-speech.
Guest Writer Registration

Guest Writers
To amplify the voice of your leadership team or subject experts, you're able to register their full profiles to allow for attribution of editorial authorship.
Company Posting

Company Posting
Our Category Partners have the option to publish as the organisation, without needing an individual for attribution. Handy for reports or threat intelligence.
Video Posting

Video Posting
You can upload videos directly or link to a hosted video (Vimeo, YouTube, Wistia, etc) and it'll show up on the appropriate Category Page to all visitors.
General Access | Category Partners | |
Other People's Content | ||
RFC for Staff Writers and Contributors | Lower Priority | ✅ |
Preferential spots for our Podcasts (and scheduling) | X | ✅ |
Other People’s Posting
Our podcasts attract a global audience. With KBKast being in the Top 5% of all podcasts (not just in cyber or even tech) featuring powerhouse talent from some of the largest organisations, our primary demographic is ‘Tech Executive Leadership’ – a highly relevant target audience for any cybersecurity organisation.
Our staff writers at KBI, as well as our Contributors and researchers are prolific in their writing, and becoming increasingly so. When they need a quote or comment on a particular topic, the first people we reach out to for an attributable quote are subject matter experts from our Priority Partners. Cudos from the publishing of articles, with a fraction of the effort.
Request For Comment
Podcast Appearances
General Access | Category Partners | |
Additional Utility | ||
Access to Event Promotion (IRL and Online) | Paid Only | ✅ |
Access to Job Posting | Paid Only | ✅ |
Access to Promote Training (coming Q2/3) | Paid Only | ✅ |
Additional Services
We’ve launched our Event Promotion services in March 2024, giving our Priority Partners untethered access to promote their in-real-life events, as well as online events like webinars, summits, keynotes, career fairs, and so on. To publish, it’s as easy as filling out a form with the details, and then hitting submit to promote your event to the KBI.Media audience.
Similarly, we’ve also launched our Job Board, offering a novel way to ensure your job ads are getting in front of the right people. If you’re after an expert in Critical Infrastructure, there’s a very good chance that the person reading articles and listening to podcast episodes on our Critical Infrastructure page might be interested!
Late 2024 we’ll be launching the KBI.Academy – an online learning repository where anyone can publish their courses in (and adjacent to) security niches. Further, these can be housed inside our servers, or link directly to those of our Priority Partners, tapping into a global audience that’s already demonstrating they want to stay informed.
Event Promotion
Job Posting
Learning & Training (Late 2024)
KBI.Media’s Difference

Partnership Options
Category Partnership - Monthly
Category Partnership - Annual
With Your 12% discount for annual payment
Frequently Asked Questions
*Any delta between values will be calculated and invoiced pro rata.
Earned Media
We’re democratising cyber media. Every single organisation is able to publish through KBI free of charge. Sure, you’re not going to get all the bells and whistles of our paid partners, but your content will appear right next to theirs across the site.
If you want to sign-up for a free account to publish press releases and thought-leadership style content for your organisation, you can do so – no strings attached at all.
Need To Talk With Someone?
We get it. There’s a lot of new concepts to digest, and we’re happy to help answer any questions you may have.
Need help? Reach out to us anytime.
Request a Call
What We Do
KBI.Media is The Voice of Cyber.
We broadcast some of the most important and informative cyber content from some of the largest organisations, governments, and promising start-ups from around the world.
We're also responsible for creating a lot of it..