A Cybersecurity Context


Microsegmentation in cybersecurity is a technique that divides a network into smaller, isolated segments, each with its own security controls and policies. This approach enhances security by limiting the lateral movement of threats, thereby containing potential breaches to a confined area.

ColorTokens’ enterprise microsegmentation platform gives you the peace of mind of knowing that your computing environment is always prepared for a breach-by-design. With our Xshield platform, your critical business systems are protected by micro-perimeters, preventing the spread of malware or ransomware. We’re dedicated to ensuring all your assets and applications are protected: IT, IoT, and OT, on-campus, in the cloud, or containers. ColorTokens makes your organization breach ready.

Zero Trust – The Secret Sauce Behind Breach Readiness

Introduction For years, organizations have invested heavily in firewalls, perimeter sensors, and intrusion detection to keep attackers at bay. But as we continue to see each day, adversaries always manage to slip past these defenses. And the problem doesn’t lie in the technology, but the way in which we operate them. Enter Zero Trust – The Only Way to Operate Cyber Defense Traditionally, once a user crossed the initial network perimeter, they were trusted to be valid users. But with credential theft, phishing and impersonation on the rise, it is impossible to determine if the user is who the user claims to be, just because they crossed the initial perimeter. The Zero Trust Architecture, first evidenced in how...

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