Adelaide, 17 January 2024 – The Australian Insider Risk Centre of Excellence (AIR CoE) is pleased to announce specialist Advisory and Restructuring firm, McGrathNicol, as its newest Founding Partner.
An initiative of the Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre (Aus3C), AIR CoE is dedicated to strengthening the nation’s resilience through collaborative insider risk management. AIR CoE has developed a Community of Practice that connects experts in insider risk across industry, government and academia.
McGrathNicol joins existing partners, DTEX Systems and The MITRE Corporation, and will contribute substantially to the Centre of Excellence’s objective of enhancing knowledge around insider risk.
Matt Fehon AM, Partner at McGrathNicol Advisory commented on the partnership:
“McGrathNicol is proud to be a founding partner of the Australian Insider Risk Centre of Excellence. Insider risk is more than just a cyber issue. For many years, our team has investigated insiders who have caused significant damage through fraud, corruption and cyber attacks. The actions of trusted employees are often overlooked and issues only discovered when it is too late.”
“We applaud Aus3C and AIR CoE in their dynamic approach to supporting Australian executives. Working together, we will provide dedicated tools and information to help strengthen organisations’ risk management programs.”
Through this significant partnership, McGrathNicol will play a key role in shaping the direction of the AIR CoE. The firm will provide support in the creation of tailored educational programs, and actively influence the evolution of insider risk practices.
Matt Salier, CEO of Aus3C, said, “Aus3C is in a unique position as an independent body to leverage our members, our position in the cyber security ecosystem, and our existing service offerings to establish and support the AIR CoE. This is particularly important given the recent release of Australia’s National Cyber Security Strategy. We believe AIR CoE can play a vital role in supporting the delivery of many elements of this strategy,”
The partnership with McGrathNicol will also see contributions to research and development projects aimed at driving innovation and global best practices in insider risk management. The collaboration aims to foster more knowledge-sharing between government, industry leaders, and academic experts, to create a sovereign capability with global connectivity.
“Our thriving Community of Practice has already seen hundreds join, share information and build networks to raise the level of insider risk practice, not only here in Australia, but around the world. We look forward to continuing this important work via thought leadership initiatives, education and events in 2024.” added Matt Salier, CEO of Aus3C.
For further information about the AIR CoE, please contact Rachael Hamilton, Strategic Project Lead, Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre on (08) 8155 5320 or via email