BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA, 1 JULY 2024: AUSCERT, Australia’s first computer emergency response team (CERT), and one of the oldest CERTs in the world, today announces the launch of its new Maturity Assessment Service to help organisations assess their cybersecurity posture and improve it to strengthen their defences against cybercrime given a rapidly escalating threat environment.
AUSCERT General Manager, Dr Ivano Bongiovanni, says the new Maturity Assessment Service will enable organisations of all sizes to take proactive steps to enhance their cybersecurity posture and mitigate cybersecurity risks.
“For many organisations, the hardest step to take when trying to combat the rising tide of cybercrime is the first one. We have simplified the process by creating a model that guides organisations through the 20 most important security controls covering people, processes and technology,” he explains.
AUSCERT’s Maturity Assessment Service encompasses 20 of the most important cybersecurity controls based on the globally recognised best practice National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cyber Security Framework.
AUSCERT’s team of experts will assess an organisation’s cybersecurity posture and current maturity ranking against these controls. The findings are then detailed in a report that identifies the organisation’s current maturity level and practical steps the organisation can take to uplift their maturity.
“Australian organisations are facing an escalating threat environment and many are confused about what they should do and how to start. We have simplified the process providing them with an assessment of their current cybersecurity posture and the opportunities to improve, bolster and adapt. We place specific emphasis on providing actionable advice to help them make quick wins and gains without adding complexity and unnecessary cost,” explains Dr Bongiovanni.
Following the initial assessment organisations can work with AUSCERT to conduct a complimentary follow-up assessment along with a new Maturity Gap Report. This enables the organisation to see how they have progressed after implementing recommendations from their initial assessment.
“AUSCERT is a not-for-profit, member organisation that provides best practice advice without vested vendor interest. As such we provide an impartial assessment and advice,” he explains.
AUSCERT’s Maturity Assessment Service is available to all organisations with AUSCERT members receiving a discount. For more information and to book an assessment, please visit:
AUSCERT was founded in 1993 in response to an Australian university student hacking a computer system at NASA. This breach triggered a chain reaction to improve information security. In the early 1990’s three Australian Universities came together and formed AUSCERT – the central source for information security and protection. Today, The University of Queensland has embraced AUSCERT as part of their organisation.
AUSCERT is a not-for-profit, member funded organisation based at The University of Queensland. It provides support to businesses during cyber security incidents, threat intelligence services and ongoing education and development programs.
AUSCERT’s passionate team of leading cyber security experts deliver 24/7 service to more than 500 members spanning education and training, financial and insurance services, information, media and telecommunications and other key sectors alongside a range of comprehensive tools to strengthen cyber security strategic defences.